Outside detail, 10 x 8

Outside detail two, 10 x 8


Inside detail, 10 x 8

Inside detail two, 10 x 8

Hands and Feet reflecting on water, 10 x 8

Hands looking up to the island, 10 x 8

Light on water, 10 x 8

Light on surface, 12 x 9

Floating, 10 x 8

Bodies in the sky, 10 x 8

Energy lines, 14 x 11

Floating bodies, Natural Water color on wood,

Waterfall on Island, 10 x 8

Map of the island, Natural water color, colored pencil 8 x 10

Storm Island, Natural Water color, colored pencil, 8 x 10

Islands in the sky, 10 x 8

Light coming down on water, 14 x 11

Two Lakes, 10 x 8

Three islands, 10 x 8

Break in the clouds, 14 x 11

Trees shadow, 10 x 8

Trees on island, 10 x 8

Water in the ground, 10 x 8

Homes under the ground, 10 x 8

Close Up Home under the ground, 10 x 8

Home, 10 x 8

Forest, 14 x 11

Natural detail, 14 x 11

Sky, 10 x 8

Clouds 10 x 8

Untitled, 10 x 8

Roots, 14 x 11

Eye, 14 x 11

Stream running through, 10 x 8
Shapes in the sky, 14 x 11

Reaching up, 10 x 8

Untitled, 10 x 8

Untitled, 12 x 12

Through the clouds, 12 x 12

Untitled, 12 x 12

Light on water, 12 x 12

Untitled, 16 x 20